Jinser Kafka [jsr-0001]
Jinser Kafka [jsr-0001]
I am a Junior Computer Science major and a fancier of programming languages. There is my WIP &'static CV.
NOTE: I always forget, so let me write it down here: Press the key Ctrl + k
or Cmd + k
to open ninja "telescope".
正在为 IDEA 工作,实习开发 MoonBit 周边设施。
1. Blog posts [jsr-0003]
1. Blog posts [jsr-0003]
这是我的 blog,我会在这里写一些工作,学习中遇到的经验和笔记。
anatomy of \def [jsr-0006]
- May 19, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Forester anatomy of \def [jsr-0006]
- May 19, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
中 \def
def of \def [fst-0005]
- May 19, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Forester def of \def [fst-0005]
- May 19, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
的 def 语法定义大致摘抄自 ocaml-forester 中的 lib/frontend/Grammar.mly
%token <string> IDENT let ident := | ident = IDENT; { String.split_on_char '/' ident } let bvar := | x = TEXT; { [x] } let binder == list(squares(bvar)) let textual_expr == list(locate(textual_node)) let arg == braces(textual_expr) let textual_node := | ~ = TEXT; <Code.Text> | ~ = WHITESPACE; <Code.Text> | ~ = head_node; <Fun.id> let fun_spec == ~ = ident; ~ = binder; ~ = arg; <> let head_node := (* ... *) | DEF; (~,~,~) = fun_spec; <Code.Def>
从 grammar 看 \def
。考虑一个完整的 \def
Example. Forester example of \def with binder [fst-0004]
- May 19, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Example. Forester example of \def with binder [fst-0004]
- May 19, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
\def\lam[x]{ \lambda\x\mathpunct{.} }
是关键词,表示一个宏定义的开始。 -
的宏的名字。 -
。 -
,parser 中写作arg
参数的意思,不过实际上可以看作正在定义的宏的 body。观察 body,可以发现binder
这个通过 \def
定义出的名为 \lam
的宏被设计为在 \(\LaTeX \) 环境中使用,使用 ## { }
##{ \begin{aligned} \lam{x} \\ \lam{x y} \\ \lam{x}\lam{y} \\ \end{aligned} }
可以注意到参数是如何传递给 \lam
宏的,在宏后面写一对花括号,花括号中的任意字符都是会传递给该宏的参数。这里三次传递的参数分别是 x
,x y
以及 x
和 y
##{ \begin{aligned} \lambda\x\mathpunct{.} \\ \lambda\x y\mathpunct{.} \\ \lambda\x\mathpunct{.}\lambda\y\mathpunct{.} \\ \end{aligned} }
观察展开后的样子,可以看到这些参数分别出现在了各自原先 \x
\[ \begin {aligned} \lambda x\mathpunct {.} \\ \lambda x y\mathpunct {.} \\ \lambda x\mathpunct {.}\lambda y\mathpunct {.} \\ \end {aligned} \]\def
的参数可以不止一个,在 binder
example of \def with multi binder [fst-0007]
- May 19, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Example. Forester example of \def with multi binder [fst-0007]
- May 19, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
每个 binder
都需要用方括号括起来,每个绑定参数的名字都在方括号中;绑定了的参数名可以在 arg
=> \(_{x}^{y}\)。
example of \def without binder [fst-0006]
- May 19, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Example. Forester example of \def without binder [fst-0006]
- May 19, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
\def\forester{ [ocaml-forester](https://git.sr.ht/~jonsterling/ocaml-forester) }
\forester is a experimental forest markup language.
[ocaml-forester](https://git.sr.ht/~jonsterling/ocaml-forester) is a experimental forest markup language.
ocaml-forester is a experimental forest markup language.
合作笔记 [jsr-0004]
- May 1, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Forester 与 Neovim / Nix 合作笔记 [jsr-0004]
- May 1, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
nesting tree [fst-0001]
- April 9, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Forester nesting tree [fst-0001]
- April 9, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Forester 的 tree 是扁平的,不推荐用 file tree 组织,这样一来当树多的时候,使用 file tree 就难以导航。我暂时没有使用 fuzz finder 类似插件的习惯,所以我就在 file tree 插件层面配置了一个 file nesting 虚拟嵌套。
Neo-tree file nesting [nvim-0001]
- April 9, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Neo-tree file nesting [nvim-0001]
- April 9, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
:help neo-tree-file-nesting
nesting_rules = { ["forester"] = { pattern = "(.*)-0001%.tree$", files = { "%1-*.tree" }, }, },
hls-0001.tree hls-0002.tree hls-0003.tree hls-0004.tree TREENAME-0001.tree TREENAME-0002.tree TREENAME-0003.tree ...
效果还不错。但有个小问题,git status 只会渲染文件和包含该文件的文件夹;而 nested file 不是文件夹,而 pattern 作为文件本身也不应该被渲染。
Neo-tree file nesting git-status issue [nvim-0002]
- April 9, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Neo-tree file nesting git-status issue [nvim-0002]
- April 9, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
expand nested files
trees/ hls-0001.tree hls-0002.tree hls-0003.tree hls-0004.tree ... TREENAME-0001.tree TREENAME-0002.tree TREENAME-0003.tree ...
collapse nested files
- 动态渲染:折叠 file 后,让 pattern 也渲染 git status。但是估计有点问题,文件夹的状态应该也是 git status 给的,貌似很难决定 nested file pattern 应该是什么状态。
- 虚拟文件夹:在 Forester 的用例下,其实有个虚拟文件夹会更好?但是这样仍然不能让 git 来计算文件夹的 status。
flake on x86_64-darwin [jsr-0005]
- May 1, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Fix Forester Nix flake on x86_64-darwin [jsr-0005]
- May 1, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
从 Forester 3.0 开始增加了 Nix flake 支持,遗憾的是,jon 和 kento 都不使用 x86_64-darwin。作为二等公民 nix-darwin 的二等公民 x86_64-darwin 不幸运地 broken 了。
opam-nix ocaml-cf broken [fst-0002]
- May 1, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Fix Forester opam-nix ocaml-cf broken [fst-0002]
- May 1, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
ocaml-cf 的 lib_gen/dune
在 x86_64-darwin 上构建失败。
(rule (targets detect.exe) (enabled_if (= %{system} macosx)) (deps detect.c (package ctypes)) (action (run %{cc} -I %{ocaml_where} -I %{lib:ctypes:} -o %{targets} %{deps})))
Done: 31% (18/58, 40 left) (jobs: 0)^M ^MFile "lib_gen/dune", line 27, characters 0-185: 27 | (rule 28 | (targets detect.exe) 29 | (enabled_if 30 | (= %{system} macosx)) 31 | (deps 32 | detect.c 33 | (package ctypes)) 34 | (action 35 | (run %{cc} -I %{ocaml_where} -I %{lib:ctypes:} -o %{targets} %{deps}))) Error: File unavailable: /nix/store/xb81cf7qgnyvsyvp9nfj15dmqchc24gk-ctypes-0.22.0/doc/ctypes/CHANGES.md
我不懂 dune 是如何工作的,但我猜测 (deps detect.c (package ctypes))
是将 ctypes 当作源代码依赖来构建了。我将 (package ctypes)
我在 GitHub 提了一个 PR。
Fix forster nix flake on x86_64-darwin link error [fst-0003]
- May 1, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Fix forster nix flake on x86_64-darwin link error [fst-0003]
- May 1, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
使用 forster 原先的 nix flake 在 x86_64-darwin 上 build 到最后 link 的阶段会遇到 ld 报错:Unresolved Symbol(s): `_preadv`
和 Unresolved Symbol(s): `_pwritev`
好吧,是因为 nixpkgs 中的 x86_64-darwin 默认用的 apple sdk 是 10.12 的,是个非常老的版本,确实没有这两个符号。解决方案就是用更高的版本 override 掉默认的 10.12 sdk,一般是 11。
Opam-nix override stdenv [nix-0008]
- May 1, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
Opam-nix override stdenv [nix-0008]
- May 1, 2024
- Jinser Kafka
/startverb pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; config.replaceStdenv = { pkgs }: if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then pkgs.overrideSDK pkgs.stdenv "11.0" else pkgs.stdenv; }; ... scope = on.buildOpamProject' { repos = [ "${opam-repository}" ]; inherit pkgs; } ./. query; /stopverb
这里有一个完整的 example
2. Translations [jsr-000N]
2. Translations [jsr-000N]
Translation. Using zippers to handle huge trees [jsr-000Q]
- December 22, 2024
Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons with contributions from Jinser Kafka
- Original
Translation. Using zippers to handle huge trees [jsr-000Q]
- December 22, 2024
- Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons with contributions from Jinser Kafka
- Original
This article is translated from Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons's article titled "Using zippers to handle huge trees".
本文翻译自 Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons 题为《Using zippers to handle huge trees》的文章
tips: Click on the translation to expand and view the original text. 点击译文可展开查看原文。有修复原文 typo。
2003年4月9日星期三,Yang Shouxun 写道:
On Wednesday, 09 Apr 2003, Yang Shouxun wrote:
> I don't know how to write a tail recursive version to build trees.
> If there are not that many continuous attributes and the dataset is
> not so large, the tree stops growing before stack overflow.
2003 年 4 月 9 日星期三,Markus Mottl 写道:
On Wednesday 09 April 2003, Markus Mottl wrote:
> The trick is to use continuation passing style (CPS): you pass a
> function closure (continuation) containing everything that's needed
> in subsequent computations. Instead of returning a result, the
> sub-function calls the continuation with the result, which makes the
> functions tail-recursive.
zipper 是一种处理巨大(实际是无限)tree 的简单方法。
Zippers are a simple way to handle huge (in fact infinite) trees.
Zipper 的解释
Explanation of zippers
- December 22, 2024
- Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons
Zipper 的解释 Explanation of zippers [#257]
- December 22, 2024
- Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons
zipper 可以被视为一种“函数式指针”,因为它能够提供:
的指针移动Zippers may be seen as 'functional pointers' since they offer :
- purely functional and typed operations
- O(1) access to the pointed element
- O(1) pointer movements
The restrictions are that only one pointer is allowed by data structure and every pointer movement allocates memory.
Take a classical type declaration for binary search trees
type 'a tree = E | N of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree * int
Consider a binary search tree and an inner node to which you want to
point. To have a 0(1) access to the pointed subtree, it has to be
directly available from the base of the data structure. Then, the
rest of the tree must be kept in a separate place. We will deconstruct
it along the path from the root to the pointed node
type 'a path =
| Root
| Left of 'a * 'a tree * 'a path
| Right of 'a tree * 'a * 'a path
type 'a zipper = 'a tree * 'a path
The zipper constraint as announced :
- the pointed subtree
- the rest of the tree breaked along the path to the root
Then we define the pointer movements (one for each pointer in the data structure) :
exception Bottom
(* To be replaced by a balancing constructor *)
let makeDTree = fun l v r -> N (l, v, r, 0)
let move_left = fun (tree, path) ->
match tree with
| E -> raise Bottom
| N (l, v, r, _) -> (l, Left (v, r, path))
let move_right = fun (tree, path) ->
match tree with
| E -> raise Bottom
| N (l, v, r, _) -> (r, Right (l, v, path))
let move_up = fun (tree, path) ->
match path with
| Root -> raise Top
| Left (v, r, tail) -> (makeDTree tree v r, tail)
| Right (l, v, tail) -> (makeDTree l v tree, tail)
Now we can build an arbitrary large tree by the following procedure :
- build a tree of bounded depth
- choose the node which will be developed next
- move the current pointer to that node
- continue building the tree
This procedure uses a bounded stack space
Related work
- December 22, 2024
- Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons
相关工作 Related work [#258]
- December 22, 2024
- Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons
zipper 由 Gérard Huet 提出。JFP 上有一篇论文:G. Huet. The Zipper. J. Functional Programming, 7 (5), Sept 1997, pp. 549--554。
Zippers were invented by Gérard Huet. There is a paper on the JFP
G. Huet. The Zipper. J. Functional Programming, 7 (5), Sept 1997, pp. 549--554.
他在例子中使用了 n 叉树和二叉树。这两者主要的区别在于,在二叉树中,指针的组织方式不同(他的“左”操作在 Baire 中是
(left o up)
(译者按:Baire 是 Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons 开发的 Caml 的数据结构库。)
He uses n-ary trees and binary trees in his examples. The main
difference is that in binary trees the pointers are not organized in
the same way (his 'left' operation is what in Baire is (left o up))
Ralf Hinze 试图为函数指针提供一个通用框架,称之为
Ralf Hinze has tried to give a general framework for functional
pointers named a web (you give your data structure and the basic
transformations and the data structure does the rest)
Ralf Hinze and Johan Jeuring. Functional Pearl: Weaving a Web. Journal of Functional Programming, 11(6):681-689, November 2001。
Ralf Hinze and Johan Jeuring. Functional Pearl: Weaving a Web. Journal
of Functional Programming, 11(6):681-689, November 2001.
这篇文章可以通过 Hinze 的主页在网上获取。在我看来,他的文章并没有真正令人信服,也不是很清楚。
Available on the net via Hinze's home page.
In my opinion his article is not really convincing and not very clear.
一些已经使用 zipper 的库:
Several libraries already use zippers
- Zen (Gérard Huet, Caml) uses zippers to handle acyclic automata
- SML/NJ Standard library (John Reppy) uses zippers to handle deletion
in red-black trees
- MetaPRL (Caml) uses zippers to handle insertion and deletion in
splay and red-black trees
- Grammatical Framework (Aarne Ranta, Haskell) uses zippers to
navigate through n-ary trees.
All this code is available on the web.
Examples of code
- December 22, 2024
- Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons
代码示例 Examples of code [#259]
- December 22, 2024
- Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons
以下是从 Baire 中提取的一些常用二叉搜索树操作的示例(
,...)(当前版本 11 avril 2003,大量错误和损坏的代码,您可以在 Baire 的下载页面中找到它) :
(译者按:Baire 相关资源基本已不可用。)
Here are some examples of usual binary search trees operations made
with zippers (insert, delete, move_pointer_to, ...) extracted from
Baire (current version 11 avril 2003, plenty of bugs and breaked
code, you will find it in Baire's download pages) :
(译者按:使用 ocamlformat
let rec move_to_top = function
| (tree, path) as pointer ->
(match path with
| Root -> pointer
| Left (v, r, tail) -> move_to_top (makeDTree tree v r, tail)
| Right (l, v, tail) -> move_to_top (makeDTree l v tree, tail))
let rec move_to x = function
| (tree, path) as pointer ->
(match tree with
| E ->
(match path with
| Right (_, rv, _) when x <= rv -> move_to x (move_up pointer)
| Left (lv, _, _) when x >= lv -> move_to x (move_up pointer)
| _ -> pointer)
| N (_, v, _, _) ->
(match compare x v with
| n when n < 0 ->
(match path with
| Right (_, rv, _) when x < rv -> move_to x (move_up pointer)
| Right _ | Root | Left _ -> move_to x (move_left pointer))
| n when n > 0 ->
(match path with
| Left (lv, _, _) when x > lv -> move_to x (move_up pointer)
| Left _ | Root | Right _ -> move_to x (move_right pointer))
| _ -> pointer))
let rec member_path x = function
| Right (l, v, tail) ->
(match compare x v with
| n when n < 0 -> member x l
| 0 -> true
| _ -> member_path x tail)
| Left (v, r, tail) ->
(match compare x v with
| n when n > 0 -> member x r
| 0 -> true
| _ -> member_path x tail)
| Root -> false
let rec zipper_member x = function
| tree, path ->
(match tree with
| E -> member_path x path
| N (l, v, r, _) ->
(match compare x v with
| n when n < 0 ->
(match path with
| Right (_, rv, _) when x <= rv -> member_path x path
| Right _ | Root | Left _ -> member x l)
| n when n > 0 ->
(match path with
| Left (lv, _, _) when x >= lv -> member_path x path
| Left _ | Root | Right _ -> member x r)
| _ -> true))
let current_tree = function
| tree, _ -> tree
let current_value = function
| tree, _ ->
(match tree with
| E -> None
| N (_, v, _, _) -> Some v)
let current_value' = function
| tree, _ ->
(match tree with
| E -> raise Empty
| N (_, v, _, _) -> v)
let rec zipper_insert x = function
| (tree, path) as pointer ->
(match tree with
| E ->
(match path with
| Right (_, rv, _) when x <= rv -> zipper_insert x (move_up pointer)
| Left (lv, _, _) when x >= lv -> zipper_insert x (move_up pointer)
| _ -> makeTree E x E, path)
| N (_, v, _, _) ->
(match compare x v with
| n when n < 0 ->
(match path with
| Right (_, rv, _) when x < rv -> zipper_insert x (move_up pointer)
| Right _ | Root | Left _ -> zipper_insert x (move_left pointer))
| n when n > 0 ->
(match path with
| Left (lv, _, _) when x > lv -> zipper_insert x (move_up pointer)
| Left _ | Root | Right _ -> zipper_insert x (move_right pointer))
| _ -> pointer))
let rec zipper_delete x = function
| (tree, path) as pointer ->
(match tree with
| E ->
(match path with
| Right (_, rv, _) when x <= rv -> zipper_delete x (move_up pointer)
| Left (lv, _, _) when x >= lv -> zipper_delete x (move_up pointer)
| _ -> pointer)
| N (l, v, r, _) ->
(match compare x v with
| n when n < 0 ->
(match path with
| Right (_, rv, _) when x < rv -> zipper_delete x (move_up pointer)
| Right _ | Root | Left _ -> zipper_delete x (move_left pointer))
| n when n > 0 ->
(match path with
| Left (lv, _, _) when x > lv -> zipper_delete x (move_up pointer)
| Left _ | Root | Right _ -> zipper_delete x (move_right pointer))
| _ -> move_to x (appendB l r, path)))
let rec path_to_list result = function
| Root -> result
| Left (v, r, path) -> path_to_list (result @ (v :: to_ordered_list r)) path
| Right (l, v, path) -> path_to_list (to_ordered_list_rec (v :: result) l) path
let zipper_to_list = function
| tree, path -> path_to_list (to_list tree) path
Translation. Guile's reader, in guile [jsr-000R]
- December 22, 2024
Andy Wingo with contributions from Jinser Kafka
- Original
Translation. Guile's reader, in guile [jsr-000R]
- December 22, 2024
- Andy Wingo with contributions from Jinser Kafka
- Original
This article is translated from Andy Wingo's article titled "guile's reader, in guile".
本文翻译自 Andy Wingo 题为《guile's reader, in guile》的文章
tips: Click on the translation to expand and view the original text. 点击译文可展开查看原文。
晚上好!今天的简短(大概?)记录是一些关于 guile
Good evening! A brief note today about some Guile nargery.
the arc of history
- December 22, 2024
- Andy Wingo
历史的弧线 the arc of history [#255]
- December 22, 2024
- Andy Wingo
时开始出现的许多语言实现一样,Guile 也有下半部分和上半部分。下半部分是用 C 编写的,暴露了一个共享库和一个可执行文件,而上半部分是用语言本身(在 Guile 的情况下是“Scheme”)编写的,并在语言实现开始时由 C 代码以某种方式加载。
Like many language implementations that started life when you could turn on the radio and expect to hear Def Leppard, Guile has a bottom half and a top half. The bottom half is written in C and exposes a shared library and an executable, and the top half is written in the language itself (Scheme, in the case of Guile) and somehow loaded by the C code when the language implementation starts.
自2010年左右以来,我们一直在努力将用C语言编写的部分改用 Scheme 编写。上周的信件讨论了动态链接的实现的替换,从使用
包装器之上的 Scheme 实现。我以前写过关于在 Scheme 中重写 eval
的内容,更近期则谈到在 Scheme 中实现与 C 语言实现相同性能的道路有时是漫长的。
Since 2010 or so we have been working at replacing bits written in C with bits written in Scheme. Last week's missive was about replacing the implementation of dynamic-link from using the libltdl library to using Scheme on top of a low-level dlopen wrapper. I've written about rewriting eval in Scheme, and more recently about how the road to getting the performance of C implementations in Scheme has been sometimes long.
的一面。我内心深处有一些关于正确与错误的感觉,并且我从根本上知道从 C 转向 Scheme 是正确的事情。很多时候这种感觉都是完全不理性的,在许多情况下也显得不合时宜⸺比如,如果你有一项需要为客户完成的任务,你需要坐下来思考从这里到目标的最小步骤,而直觉对于你如何到达那里并没有多大作用。但有一个项目可以让你按照自己喜欢的方式做某件事是美好的,即使这需要 10 年,那也没关系。
These rewrites have a quixotic aspect to them. I feel something in my gut about rightness and wrongness and I know at a base level that moving from C to Scheme is the right thing. Much of it is completely irrational and can be out of place in a lot of contexts -- like if you have a task to get done for a customer, you need to sit and think about minimal steps from here to the goal and the gut doesn't have much of a role to play in how you get there. But it's nice to have a project where you can do a thing in the way you'd like, and if it takes 10 years, that's fine.
不过除了难以言表的动机之外,用 Scheme 重写一些东西还是有具体的好处的。我发现 Scheme 代码更容易维护,嗯,而且相比 C 的常见
,Scheme 显然更安全。如果有一天我重写 Guile 的垃圾收集器,这会减少我的工作量。而且,Scheme 代码还具有 C 语言所没有的功能:
But besides the ineffable motivations, there are concrete advantages to rewriting something in Scheme. I find Scheme code to be more maintainable, yes, and more secure relative to the common pitfalls of C, obviously. It decreases the amount of work I will have when one day I rewrite Guile's garbage collector. But also, Scheme code gets things that C can't have: tail calls, resumable delimited continuations, run-time instrumentation, and so on.
为例,大约五年前,我为 Guile 编写了一个以并行并发 ML 为模型的轻量级并发设施。它允许数百万条 fibers 存在于系统上。当一个 fiber 需要阻塞 I/O 操作(读或写)时,它会暂停其延续,并在操作变得可能时安排重启它。
Taking delimited continuations as an example, five years ago or so I wrote a lightweight concurrency facility for Guile, modelled on Parallel Concurrent ML. It lets millions of fibers to exist on a system. When a fiber would need to block on an I/O operation (read or write), instead it suspends its continuation, and arranges to restart it when the operation becomes possible.
为了让这一切成真,Guile 必须做出很多改变。首先是定界延续本身。后来是 Scheme 中 ports 设施上半部分的完全重写,以允许 port 操作挂起和恢复。可恢复 fibers 的许多障碍已被消除,但 Fibers 手册仍然列出了相当多的障碍。
A lot had to change in Guile for this to become a reality. Firstly, delimited continuations themselves. Later, a complete rewrite of the top half of the ports facility in Scheme, to allow port operations to suspend and resume. Many of the barriers to resumable fibers were removed, but the Fibers manual still names quite a few.
Scheme read, in Scheme [#256]
- December 22, 2024
- Andy Wingo
Scheme read, in Scheme [#256]
- December 22, 2024
- Andy Wingo
这给带来了我们今天的记录:我刚刚在 Scheme 中也重写了 Guile 的 reader!reader 是获取字符流并将其解析为 S 表达式的部分。以前是C语言,现在是 Scheme。
Which brings us to today's note: I just rewrote Guile's reader in Scheme too! The reader is the bit that takes a stream of characters and parses it into S-expressions. It was in C, and now is in Scheme.
这样做的主要动机之一是希望使 read 可挂起。通过此更改,现在可以在 fibers 上实现 REPL(读取-评估-打印循环)。
One of the primary motivators for this was to allow read to be suspendable. With this change, read-eval-print loops are now implementable on fibers.
另一个动机是最终修复 Guile 无法记录某些数据源位置的 bug。Guile 过去会使用
哈希表来使从 read 返回的数据与源位置相关联。但这仅适用于 fresh value,不适用于小整数或字符等立即数,也不适用于 keyword 和 symbol 等全局唯一的非立即数。因此对于这些,我们就没有任何源位置。
Another motivation was to finally fix a bug in which Guile couldn't record source locations for some kinds of datums. It used to be that Guile would use a weak-key hash table to associate datums returned from read with source locations. But this only works for fresh values, not for immediate values like small integers or characters, nor does it work for globally unique non-immediates like keywords and symbols. So for these, we just wouldn't have any source locations.
的对象,而不是使用另外的表。由于 Scheme 的宏扩展器已经被设置为与带注解的对象(语法对象)一起使用,因此一个新的 read-syntax 接口会非常好用。
A robust solution to that problem is to return annotated objects rather than using a side table. Since Scheme's macro expander is already set to work with annotated objects (syntax objects), a new read-syntax interface would do us a treat.
在 C 语言中实现
很难做到。但在 Scheme 中实现 read
则毫无问题。不过,调整扩展器以期望在语法对象内包含源位置有些繁琐,且源位置信息的增加使得输出文件的大小增大了几个百分比⸺这在部分上是 .debug_lines
DWARF 数据的增加带来的,但也和宏中语法对象的序列化源位置有关。
With read in C, this was hard to do. But with read in Scheme, it was no problem to implement. Adapting the expander to expect source locations inside syntax objects was a bit fiddly, though, and the resulting increase in source location information makes the output files bigger by a few percent -- due somewhat to the increased size of the .debug_lines DWARF data, but also due to serialized source locations for syntax objects in macros.
速度方面,目前切换到 Scheme 的
。旧的 reader 在这台笔记本电脑上记录源位置时每秒大概可以解析 15 或 16 MB,或者关闭源位置,那么有 22 或 23 MB/s。新的 reader 在旧模式下,使用弱键侧表记录源位置的解析速度大概为 10.5 MB/s,关闭位置时为 13.5 MB/s。新的 read-syntax
速度大约是 12 MB/s。我们将在未来几个月继续优化这些性能,但与原来的 reader 编写时的情况不同的是,现在的 reader 主要在编译时使用。(它在读取 s 表达式作为数据时仍然有用,因此仍然有理由提升其速度。)
Speed-wise, switching to read in Scheme is a regression, currently. The old reader could parse around 15 or 16 megabytes per second when recording source locations on this laptop, or around 22 or 23 MB/s with source locations off. The new one parses more like 10.5 MB/s, or 13.5 MB/s with positions off, when in the old mode where it uses a weak-key side table to record source locations. The new read-syntax runs at around 12 MB/s. We'll be noodling at these in the coming months, but unlike when the original reader was written, at least now the reader is mainly used only at compile time. (It still has a role when reading s-expressions as data, so there is still a reason to make it fast.)
的情况一样 ,在加载 Scheme 版本之前,我们仍然有一个 C 版本的 reader 可用于引导目的。这次重写令人高兴的是,我能够从 C reader 中删除与非默认词法语法相关的所有缺陷,很好地简化了未来的维护。
As is the case with eval, we still have a C version of the reader available for bootstrapping purposes, before the Scheme version is loaded. Happily, with this rewrite I was able to remove all of the cruft from the C reader related to non-default lexical syntax, which simplifies maintenance going forward.
逐个 bug
重写的一个有趣方面是你会发现 bug 和意外行为。比如,事实证明,从出现以来,Guile 总是不需要终止分隔符地 read
和 #f
,因此 read "(#t1)"
将得到列表 (#t 1)
。很奇怪,对吧?更奇怪的是,当 #true
和 #false
别名被添加到语言中,Guile 决定默认支持它们,但以一种奇怪的向后兼容的方式…所以 "(#false1)"
读作 (#f 1)
但 "(#falsa1)"
读作 (#f alsa1)
An interesting aspect of attempting to make a bug-for-bug rewrite is that you find bugs and unexpected behavior. For example, it turns out that since the dawn of time, Guile always read #t and #f without requiring a terminating delimiter, so reading "(#t1)" would result in the list (#t 1). Weird, right? Weirder still, when the #true and #false aliases were added to the language, Guile decided to support them by default, but in an oddly backwards-compatible way... so "(#false1)" reads as (#f 1) but "(#falsa1)" reads as (#f alsa1). Quite a few more things like that.
而言,情况并非如此,因为回溯可以暴露出 read 函数的内部实现,而之前由于 C 栈对 Scheme 是不透明的,这种情况并不会发生。因此,我们可能需要在调用 read 的地方添加更合理的错误处理,因为回溯信息无论如何都不是一个好的面向用户的错误反馈。
All in all it would seem to be a successful rewrite, introducing no new behavior, even producing the same errors. However, this is not the case for backtraces, which can expose the guts of read in cases where that previously wouldn't happen because the C stack was opaque to Scheme. Probably we will simply need to add more sensible error handling around callers to read, as a backtrace isn't a good user-facing error anyway.
好吧,今晚的闲聊已经够多了。祝大家 happy hacking,晚安!
OK enough rambling for this evening. Happy hacking to all and to all a good night!
Translation. Baby’s First Garbage Collector [jsr-000P]
- December 20, 2024
Bob Nystrom with contributions from Jinser Kafka
- Original
Translation. Baby’s First Garbage Collector [jsr-000P]
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom with contributions from Jinser Kafka
- Original
This article is translated from Bob Nystrom's article titled "Baby’s First Garbage Collector".
本文翻译自 Bob Nystrom 题为《Baby’s First Garbage Collector》的文章
tips: Click on the translation to expand and view the original text. 点击译文可展开查看原文。
When I get stressed out and have too much to do, I have this paradoxical reaction where I escape from that by coming up with another thing to do. Usually it’s a tiny self-contained program that I can write and finish.
一天早上,我正对我正在写的书、我在工作中必须做的事情以及我正在为《Strange Loop》准备的演讲感到害怕,突然间,我想,“我应该写一个垃圾回收器。”
The other morning, I was freaking myself out about the book I’m working on (http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/) and the stuff I have to do at work (http://dart.dev/) and a talk I’m preparing for Strange Loop (https://www.infoq.com/presentations/dart-introduction/), and all of the sudden, I thought, “I should write a garbage collector.”
是的,我意识到那段话让我看起来有多么疯狂。但我的搭错神经带来的是编程语言实现基础的免费教程!在大约一百行常规 C 代码中,我成功地创建了一个基础的标记清除,你知道的,垃圾回收。
Yes, I realize how crazy that paragraph makes me seem. But my faulty wiring is your free tutorial on a fundamental piece of programming language implementation! In about a hundred lines of vanilla C, I managed to whip up a basic mark-and-sweep (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracing_garbage_collection#Na%C3%AFve_mark-and-sweep) collector that actually, you know, collects.
Garbage collection is considered one of the more shark-infested waters of programming, but in this post, I’ll give you a nice kiddie pool to paddle around in. (There may still be sharks in it, but at least it will be shallower.)
Reduce, reuse, recycle
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
少使用、物尽其用、循环再用 Reduce, reuse, recycle [#260]
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
The basic idea behind garbage collection is that the language (for the most part) appears to have access to infinite memory. The developer can just keep allocating and allocating and allocating and, as if by magic, never run out.
Of course, machines don’t have infinite memory. So the way the implementation does this is that when it needs to allocate a bit of memory and it realizes it’s running low, it collects garbage.
“Garbage” in this context means memory it previously allocated that is no longer being used. For the illusion of infinite memory to work, the language needs to be very safe about “no longer being used”. It would be no fun if random objects just started getting reclaimed while your program was trying to access them.
In order to be collectible, the language has to ensure there’s no way for the program to use that object again. If the program can’t get a reference to the object, then it obviously can’t use it again. So the definition of “in use” is actually pretty simple:
1. Any object being referenced by a variable still in scope is in use.
2. Any object referenced by another in-use object is in use.
第二条规则是递归规则。如果对象 A 被变量引用,并且它有一些引用对象 B 的字段,则 B 正在使用中,因为你可以通过 A 访问它。
The second rule is the recursive one. If object A is referenced by a variable, and it has some field that references object B, then B is in use since you can get to it through A.
The end result is a graph of reachable objects—all of the objects in the world that you can get to by starting at a variable and traversing through objects. Any object not in that graph of reachable objects is dead to the program and its memory is ripe for a reaping.
Marking and sweeping
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
标记清除 Marking and sweeping [#261]
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
有很多不同的方法可以实现查找和回收所有未使用对象的过程,但为此发明的最简单且第一个发明的算法称为“标记清除”。它是由 Lisp 和大胡子的发明者约翰·麦卡锡(John McCarthy)发明的,所以今天实现这个算法有点像与一位远古之神交流,希望不是以某种洛夫克拉夫特式的方式,否则你的思想和视网膜最终会被炸得一干二净。
There are a bunch of different ways (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracing_garbage_collection) you can implement the process of finding and reclaiming all of the unused objects, but the simplest and first algorithm ever invented for it is called “mark-sweep”. It was invented by John McCarthy, the man who invented Lisp and beards, so implementing today is like communing with one of the Elder Gods, but hopefully not in some Lovecraftian way that ends with you having your mind and retinas blasted clean.
The algorithm works almost exactly like our definition of reachability:
1. Starting at the roots, traverse the entire object graph. Every time you reach an object, set a “mark” bit on it to true.
2. Once that’s done, find all of the objects whose mark bits are not set and delete them.
就是这样。我知道,你本来可以想出这个的,对吧?如果你这么做了,你就会成为一篇被引用数百次的论文的作者。这件事给我们的教训是,要在 CS 领域出名,你不必想出真正晦涩难懂的东西,你只需首先想出明显的东西即可。
That’s it. I know, you could have come up with that, right? If you had, you’d be the author of a paper cited hundreds of times. The lesson here is that to be famous in CS, you don’t have to come up with really obscure stuff, you just have to come up with obvious stuff first.
A pair of objects
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
一对对象 A pair of objects [#262]
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
Before we can get to implementing those two steps, let’s get a couple of preliminaries out of the way. We won’t be actually implementing an interpreter for a language—no parser, bytecode, or any of that foolishness—but we do need some minimal amount of code to create some garbage to collect.
Let’s play pretend that we’re writing an interpreter for a little language. It’s dynamically typed, and has two types of objects: ints and pairs. Here’s an enum to identify an object’s type:
typedef enum {
} ObjectType;
一个对可以是一对任何东西,两个整数,一个整数和另一个对,等等。仅凭这一点,你就可以走得更远。由于 VM 中的对象可以是其中任何一个,因此 C 中实现它的典型方法是使用标签联合(tagged union)。我们这样定义它:
A pair can be a pair of anything, two ints, an int and another pair, whatever. You can go surprisingly far (http://www.flickr.com/photos/raganwald/212588975/) with just that. Since an object in the VM can be either of these, the typical way in C to implement it is with a tagged union (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tagged_union). We define it thusly:
typedef struct sObject {
ObjectType type;
union {
/* OBJ_INT */
int value;
/* OBJ_PAIR */
struct {
struct sObject* head;
struct sObject* tail;
} Object;
主要的 Object 结构中有一个
字段,用于标识它的值类型⸺整数或对。接着它有一个联合(union)来保存这个整数或对的数据。如果你的 C 很生疏,那么联合就是一个结构体,其中字段在内存中重叠。由于给定的对象只能是一个整数或一个对,因此没有理由在单个对象中同时为所有三个字段提供内存。联合就是这么做的。非常好。
The main Object struct has a type field that identifies what kind of value it is—either an int or a pair. Then it has a union to hold the data for the int or pair. If your C is rusty, a union is a struct where the fields overlap in memory. Since a given object can only be an int or a pair, there’s no reason to have memory in a single object for all three fields at the same time. A union does that. Groovy.
A minimal virtual machine
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
迷你虚拟机 A minimal virtual machine [#263]
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
现在我们可以在小虚拟机中使用这个数据类型。虚拟机在这个背景中的作用是拥有一个存储当前范围内的变量的栈。大多数语言的虚拟机要么是基于栈的(如 JVM 和 CLR),要么是基于寄存器的(如 Lua)。在这两种情况下,实际上都仍然存在栈。它用于存储表达式中间所需的局部变量和临时变量。我们明确而简单地建模,如下所示:
Now we can use that datatype in a little virtual machine. The VM’s role in this story is to have a stack that stores the variables that are currently in scope. Most language VMs are either stack-based (like the JVM and CLR) or register-based (like Lua). In both cases, there is actually still a stack. It’s used to store local variables and temporary variables needed in the middle of an expression. We model that explicitly and simply like so:
#define STACK_MAX 256
typedef struct {
Object* stack[STACK_MAX];
int stackSize;
} VM;
Now that we’ve got our basic data structures in place, let’s slap together a bit of code to create some stuff. First, let’s write a function that creates and initializes a VM:
VM* newVM() {
VM* vm = malloc(sizeof(VM));
vm->stackSize = 0;
return vm;
Once we have a VM, we need to be able to manipulate its stack:
void push(VM* vm, Object* value) {
assert(vm->stackSize < STACK_MAX, "Stack overflow!");
vm->stack[vm->stackSize++] = value;
Object* pop(VM* vm) {
assert(vm->stackSize > 0, "Stack underflow!");
return vm->stack[--vm->stackSize];
Now that we can stick stuff in “variables”, we need to be able to actually create objects. First, a little helper function:
Object* newObject(VM* vm, ObjectType type) {
Object* object = malloc(sizeof(Object));
object->type = type;
return object;
That does the actual memory allocation and sets the type tag. We’ll be revisiting this in a bit. Using that, we can write functions to push each kind of object onto the VM’s stack:
void pushInt(VM* vm, int intValue) {
Object* object = newObject(vm, OBJ_INT);
object->value = intValue;
push(vm, object);
Object* pushPair(VM* vm) {
Object* object = newObject(vm, OBJ_PAIR);
object->tail = pop(vm);
object->head = pop(vm);
push(vm, object);
return object;
And that’s it for our little VM. If we had a parser and an interpreter that called those functions, we’d have an honest to God language on our hands. And, if we had infinite memory, it would even be able to run real programs. Since we don’t, let’s start collecting some garbage.
Marky mark
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
标志标记 Marky mark [#264]
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
The first phase is marking. We need to walk all of the reachable objects and set their mark bit. The first thing we need then is to add a mark bit to Object:
typedef struct sObject {
unsigned char marked;
/* Previous stuff... */
} Object;
以将 marked
When we create a new object, we modify newObject() to initialize marked to zero.
To mark all of the reachable objects, we start with the variables that are in memory, so that means walking the stack. That looks like this:
void markAll(VM* vm)
for (int i = 0; i < vm->stackSize; i++) {
That in turn calls mark. We’ll build that in phases. First:
void mark(Object* object) {
object->marked = 1;
This is the most important bit, literally. We’ve marked the object itself as reachable. But remember we also need to handle references in objects—reachability is recursive. If the object is a pair, its two fields are reachable too. Handling that is simple:
void mark(Object* object) {
object->marked = 1;
if (object->type == OBJ_PAIR) {
你看到这里有一个 bug 了吗?我们现在正在递归,但我们没有检查成环。如果你有一堆在循环中相互指向的对,这将使 C 调用栈溢出并崩溃。
There’s a bug here. Do you see it? We’re recursing now, but we aren’t checking for cycles. If you have a bunch of pairs that point to each other in a loop, this will overflow the C callstack and crash.
To handle that, we simply need to bail out if we get to an object that we’ve already processed. So the complete mark() function is:
void mark(Object* object) {
/* If already marked, we're done. Check this first
to avoid recursing on cycles in the object graph. */
if (object->marked) return;
object->marked = 1;
if (object->type == OBJ_PAIR) {
Now we can call markAll() and it will correctly mark every reachable object in memory. We’re halfway done!
Sweepy sweep
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
清楚清除 Sweepy sweep [#265]
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
The next phase is to sweep through all of the objects we’ve allocated and free any of them that aren’t marked. But there’s a problem here: all of the unmarked objects are, by definition, unreachable! We can’t get to them!
The VM has implemented the language’s semantics for object references, so we’re only storing pointers to objects in variables and the pair fields. As soon as an object is no longer pointed to by one of those, the VM has lost it entirely and actually leaked memory.
The trick to solve this is that the VM can have its own references to objects that are distinct from the semantics that are visible to the language user. In other words, we can keep track of them ourselves.
The simplest way to do this is to just maintain a linked list of every object we’ve ever allocated. We extend Object itself to be a node in that list:
typedef struct sObject {
/* The next object in the list of all objects. */
struct sObject* next;
/* Previous stuff... */
} Object;
The VM keeps track of the head of that list:
typedef struct {
/* The first object in the list of all objects. */
Object* firstObject;
/* Previous stuff... */
} VM;
中,我们确保将 firstObject
初始化为 NULL
In newVM() we make sure to initialize firstObject to NULL. Whenever we create an object, we add it to the list:
Object* newObject(VM* vm, ObjectType type) {
Object* object = malloc(sizeof(Object));
object->type = type;
object->marked = 0;
/* Insert it into the list of allocated objects. */
object->next = vm->firstObject;
vm->firstObject = object;
return object;
This way, even if the language can’t find an object, the language implementation still can. To sweep through and delete the unmarked objects, we traverse the list:
void sweep(VM* vm)
Object** object = &vm->firstObject;
while (*object) {
if (!(*object)->marked) {
/* This object wasn't reached, so remove it from the list
and free it. */
Object* unreached = *object;
*object = unreached->next;
} else {
/* This object was reached, so unmark it (for the next GC)
and move on to the next. */
(*object)->marked = 0;
object = &(*object)->next;
That code is a bit tricky to read because of that pointer to a pointer, but if you work through it, you can see it’s pretty straightforward. It just walks the entire linked list. Whenever it hits an object that isn’t marked, it frees its memory and removes it from the list. When this is done, we will have deleted every unreachable object.
Congratulations! We have a garbage collector! There’s just one missing piece: actually calling it. First let’s wrap the two phases together:
void gc(VM* vm) {
You couldn’t ask for a more obvious mark-sweep implementation. The trickiest part is figuring out when to actually call this. What does “low on memory” even mean, especially on modern computers with near-infinite virtual memory?
It turns out there’s no precise right or wrong answer here. It really depends on what you’re using your VM for and what kind of hardware it runs on. To keep this example simple, we’ll just collect after a certain number of allocations. That’s actually how some language implementations work, and it’s easy to implement.
We extend VM to track how many we’ve created:
typedef struct {
/* The total number of currently allocated objects. */
int numObjects;
/* The number of objects required to trigger a GC. */
int maxObjects;
/* Previous stuff... */
} VM;
And then initialize them:
VM* newVM() {
/* Previous stuff... */
vm->numObjects = 0;
vm->maxObjects = INITIAL_GC_THRESHOLD;
return vm;
将是我们启动第一次 GC 时的对象数量。较小的数字在内存方面更加保守,较大的数字在垃圾回收上花费的时间较少。按个人口味调整。
The INITIAL_GC_THRESHOLD will be the number of objects at which we kick off the first GC. A smaller number is more conservative with memory, a larger number spends less time on garbage collection. Adjust to taste.
Whenever we create an object, we increment numObjects and run a collection if it reaches the max:
Object* newObject(VM* vm, ObjectType type) {
if (vm->numObjects == vm->maxObjects) gc(vm);
/* Create object... */
return object;
以在每次释放时减少 numObjects
。最后我们修改 gc()
I won’t bother showing it, but we’ll also tweak sweep() to decrement numObjects every time it frees one. Finally, we modify gc() to update the max:
void gc(VM* vm) {
int numObjects = vm->numObjects;
vm->maxObjects = vm->numObjects * 2;
After every collection, we update maxObjects based on the number of live objects left after the collection. The multiplier there lets our heap grow as the number of living objects increases. Likewise, it will shrink automatically if a bunch of objects end up being freed.
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
简单 Simple [#266]
- December 20, 2024
- Bob Nystrom
You made it! If you followed all of this, you’ve now got a handle on a simple garbage collection algorithm. If you want to see it all together, here’s the full code. Let me stress here that while this collector is simple, it isn’t a toy.
的工作量⸺但这里的核心代码是合法的真实垃圾回收器。它与直到最近的 Ruby 和 Lua 中的回收器都非常相似。你可以在生产代码中使用这样的代码。现在去构建一些很棒的东西吧!
There are a ton of optimizations you can build on top of this—in GCs and programming languages, optimization is 90
Translation. Zipper in scheme [jsr-000O]
- December 18, 2024
Oleg Kiselyov with contributions from Jinser Kafka
- Original
Translation. Zipper in scheme [jsr-000O]
- December 18, 2024
- Oleg Kiselyov with contributions from Jinser Kafka
- Original
This article is translated from Oleg Kiselyov's article titled "zipper in scheme".
本文翻译自 Oleg Kiselyov 题为《zipper in scheme》的文章
Title added by translator. 标题由译者添加。
tips: Click on the translation to expand and view the original text. 点击译文可展开查看原文。
前言 [#267]
- December 18, 2024
- Oleg Kiselyov
前言 [#267]
- December 18, 2024
- Oleg Kiselyov
zipper 是一种非常方便的数据结构,它允许我们替换复杂数据结构(例如树或 term)深处的项,而无需任何可变性。结果数据结构将尽可能多地与旧结构共享其组件 [见附录]。旧的数据结构仍然可用(这便于我们撤销该操作)。本质上,zipper 是一个“可更新”但纯函数式的数据结构游标。
Zipper is a very handy data structure that lets us replace an item deep in a complex data structure, e.g., a tree or a term, without any mutation. The resulting data structure will share as much of its components with the old structure as possible [see addendum]. The old data structure is still available (which can be handy if we wish to 'undo' the operation later on). Zipper is essentially an `updateable' and yet pure functional cursor into a data structure.
Useful references:
zipper 是一种由定界延续具体化而来的数据结构。不知何故,这个想法在 zipper 领域并不常见。因为 scheme 有一等支持的定界延续,我们可以更容易地派生和使用 zipper。
Zipper is a _delimited continuation_ reified as a data structure. Somehow that idea is not commonly discussed in the zipper literature. Because Scheme has first-class and delimited continuations, we can derive and use zipper far more easily.
本文将给出 zipper 的派生及其使用示例:交换两棵树的两个分支。该使用示例是遗传编程中典型的交叉操作。
Given below is a derivation of zipper and an example of its use: swapping out of two branches of a two trees. The latter is a typical cross-over operation in genetic programming.
noelwelsh@gmail.com (Noel Welsh) 在消息中写
noelwelsh@gmail.com (Noel Welsh) wrote in message
I would like to do the crossover in a purely functional manner. The
algorithm I envisage is:
- Count the number of nodes for each of the two trees
- Choose an random integer between 0 ... (number of nodes - 1)
This is the node where crossover will take place.
As pointed out earlier, we don't need counting to select a random node from a tree. After we selected the node, we can zip down to that node in the tree using the eq? test. In the following however, we skip the random selection for simplicity and thus we shall be selecting nodes by their index in the depth-first order.
派生 [#268]
- December 18, 2024
- Oleg Kiselyov
派生 [#268]
- December 18, 2024
- Oleg Kiselyov
为了派生 zipper,我们首先编写更熟悉的深度优先遍历例程:
To derive zipper, we first write the familiar depth-first traversal routine:
Welcome to Scheme 48 1.1
> ,open srfi-9
> ,open escapes signals
> ,load /usr/local/lib/scheme48/misc/shift-reset.scm
; deterministic, left-to-right map
(define (map* f l)
(if (null? l) l
(cons (f (car l)) (map* f (cdr l)))))
(define (depth-first handle tree)
((null? tree) tree)
((handle tree) => (lambda (new-tree) new-tree))
; the node was not handled -- descend
((not (pair? tree)) tree) ; an atom
(cons (car tree) ; node name
(map* (lambda (kid) (depth-first handle kid)) (cdr tree))))))
,作为 depth-first
的第一个参数,接受一个 node
并应该返回一个 node
或 #f
。在第一种情况下,返回的 node
替换结果树中的现有节点。如果 handle
返回 #f
The function handle, the first-argument of depth-first, receives a node and should yield either a node or #f. In the first case, the return node replaces the existing node in the result tree. If the handle returned #f, it has declined to handle that node, so we keep that node and descend into it, if possible.
To see how this works, we define two sample trees and print out their nodes:
(define tree1 '(a (b) (c (d 1 2)) e))
(define tree2 '(z (u) (v (w 10 12)) y))
(depth-first (lambda (node) (display node) (newline) #f) tree1)
==> prints
(a (b) (c (d 1 2)) e)
(c (d 1 2))
(d 1 2)
==> yields
'(a (b) (c (d 1 2)) e)
我们现在可以定义数据类型 zipper:
We can now define the zipper data structure:
(define-record-type zzipper
(zipper curr-node k)
(curr-node z-curr-node)
(k z-k))
或 #f
。在前一种情况,接收到的节点将替换现有节点。在后一种情况,我们保留现有节点并继续遍历。这个延续返回一个新的 zipper
或一课树(如果遍历完成)。可以看出,zipper 在某种意义上是函数 handle
It contains two fields: the current node of a tree, and the continuation. The continuation should receive a node or #f. In the former case, the received node will replace the existing node. In the latter case, we keep the existing node and continue the traversal. The continuation returns either a new zipper, or a tree (if the traversal is finished). One can see that zipper is in a sense an 'inverse' of the function handle.
(define (zip-tree tree)
(reset (depth-first (lambda (tree) (shift f (zipper tree f))) tree)))
正如所承诺的,zipper 确实是定界延续的一种表现形式。
As promised, zipper is indeed a manifestation of a delimited continuation.
和构造函数 zip-tree
都是 generic 的。它们本身既不依赖树的表示,也不依赖遍历策略。有关树数据结构及其遍历的所有信息都被封装在一个函数 depth-first
中。我们可以通过改变深度优先策略从深度优先策略切换到广度优先策略,或者从嵌套列表切换到树的嵌套向量实现。无论是 zipper
还是任何使用 zipper
的代码(见下文)都不需要任何修改。我们的 zipper 的这一特性与 Gerard Huet 的 zipper 派生形成了鲜明的对比。在 Gerard Huet 的形式中,zipper 确实取决于数据类型的具体实现:zipper 是从数据类型 derived(双关语)的(译者按:派生和求导)。不同的数据类型(以及抽象数据类型的不同实现)将具有不同的对应 zipper 结构。在我们的形式中,zipper 是遍历函数的 generic
derivation(双关语)(译者按:派生和导数)。zipper 是遍历函数的导数——就只是机械的导数。因此,shift/reset 可以被视为遍历函数的导数运算符。
We should point out that both the zipper record and the constructor function zip-tree are _generic_. They by themselves depend neither on the representation of the tree nor on the traversal strategy. All the information about the tree data structure and its traversal is encapsulated in one single function depth-first. We can switch from depth-first to breadth-first strategy or from a nested list to a nested vector realization of trees just by changing depth-first. Neither zipper, nor zip-tree, nor any code that uses zipper (see below) will require any modifications. This property of our zipper is in a marked contrast with Gerard Huet's derivation of zipper. In Gerard Huet's formulation, zipper does depend on the concrete realization of the data type: zipper is derived (pun intended) from the data type. Different data types (and different realizations of an abstract data type) will have different corresponding zipper structures. In our formulation, zipper is a _generic_ derivation (pun intended) on the traversal function. Zipper is a derivative of the traversal function -- mechanical derivative at that. So, shift/reset can be considered traversal function derivative operators.
使用 [#269]
- December 18, 2024
- Oleg Kiselyov
使用 [#269]
- December 18, 2024
- Oleg Kiselyov
We can now print out the tree in a different way:
(define (print-tree tree)
(do ((cursor (zip-tree tree) ((z-k cursor) #f)))
((not (zipper? cursor)))
(display (z-curr-node cursor))
我们使用 zipper(即
)逐个节点地检查整个树。从某种意义上说,我们翻转了 depth-first
we use zipper, which is a cursor, to examine all of the tree, node by node. In a sense, we have inverted the operation of depth-first.
(print-tree tree1)
; prints as before
(print-tree tree2)
(z (u) (v (w 10 12)) y)
(v (w 10 12))
(w 10 12)
We introduce a few helpful functions
(define (zip-all-the-way-up zipper)
(if (zipper? zipper) (zip-all-the-way-up ((z-k zipper) (z-curr-node zipper)))
(define (locate-nth-node n tree)
(do ((i 0 (+ 1 i)) (cursor (zip-tree tree) ((z-k cursor) #f)))
((and (= i n)
(if (zipper? cursor) #t
(error "too few nodes"))) cursor)
And we are ready for some action:
; replace the 3-d node of tree1 with 'xxx
(let ((desired-node (locate-nth-node 3 tree1)))
(display "Replacing the node: ")
(display (z-curr-node desired-node))
(zip-all-the-way-up ((z-k desired-node) 'xxx)))
==> prints
Replacing the node: (d 1 2)
==> yieds
'(a (b) (c xxx) e)
It did replace it, didn't it?
; cross-over of the 3d node of tree1 and 1st node of tree2
(let* ((desired-node1 (locate-nth-node 3 tree1))
(_ (begin
(display "Cross-over the node1: ")
(display (z-curr-node desired-node1))
(desired-node2 (locate-nth-node 1 tree2))
(_ (begin
(display "Cross-over the node2: ")
(display (z-curr-node desired-node2))
(zip-all-the-way-up ((z-k desired-node1)
(z-curr-node desired-node2))))
(zip-all-the-way-up ((z-k desired-node2)
(z-curr-node desired-node1))))
(display "new tree1: ") (display new-tree1) (newline)
(display "new tree2: ") (display new-tree2) (newline)
==> prints
Cross-over the node1: (d 1 2)
Cross-over the node2: (u)
new tree1: (a (b) (c (u)) e)
new tree2: (z (d 1 2) (v (w 10 12)) y)
Well, it seems to work...
的第3个节点和 tree2
If we swap the 3d node of tree1 and the 5th node of tree2, we get
Cross-over the node1: (d 1 2)
Cross-over the node2: 12
new tree1: (a (b) (c 12) e)
new tree2: (z (u) (v (w 10 (d 1 2))) y)
总结 [#270]
- December 18, 2024
- Oleg Kiselyov
总结 [#270]
- December 18, 2024
- Oleg Kiselyov
总而言之,定界延续非常有用。可以在任何 R5RS scheme 系统中进行模拟;但如果它本身受支持,性能会更好。Scheme48 本身就支持定界延续(Martin Gasbichler and Michael Sperber, ICFP 2002)。如果你最喜欢的 Scheme 系统默认没有提供它们,请向实现者投诉。支持哪个特定的定界延续运算符(shift、control、shift0、splitter、cupto 等)并不重要——所有这些的表达性都是相同的:
To conclude, delimited continuations are quite useful. They can be emulated in any R5RS Scheme system; yet it is better for performance if they are supported natively. Scheme48 does support delimited continuations natively (Martin Gasbichler and Michael Sperber, ICFP 2002). If your favorite Scheme system does not offer them by default, please complain to the implementors. It doesn't matter which particular delimited continuation operator (shift, control, shift0, splitter, cupto, etc) is supported -- all of them are equally expressible:
- Chung-chieh Shan, Scheme2004 workshop
- http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~ccshan/recur/
附录 [#271]
- December 18, 2024
- Oleg Kiselyov
附录 [#271]
- December 18, 2024
- Oleg Kiselyov
附录,2006 年 6 月 7 日 [受到 Andrew Wilcox 问题的启发] 更准确地说,zipper 与底层枚举器一样保留了共享。以下是最大共享保留枚举器。这两个函数应该取代本文中的函数。
Addendum, June 7, 2006 [inspired by a question from Andrew Wilcox] To be more precise, the zipper preserves sharing as much as the underlying enumerator does. The following is the maximal sharing preserving enumerator. Those two functions should replace the ones in the article.
; deterministic, left-to-right map
; It preserves sharing as much as possible: that is, if given the pair
; l == (cons h t), (and (eq? h (f h)) (eq? t (map* f t))) holds, then
; (eq? (map* f l) l) holds as well.
(define (map* f l)
(if (null? l) l
(let ((h (car l)) (t (cdr l)))
(let ((h1 (f h)) (t1 (map* f t)))
(if (and (eq? h1 h) (eq? t1 t)) l
(cons h1 t1))))))
(define (depth-first handle tree)
((null? tree) tree)
((handle tree) => (lambda (new-tree) new-tree))
; the node was not handled -- descend
((not (pair? tree)) tree) ; an atom
(let ((kids1
(map* (lambda (kid) (depth-first handle kid)) (cdr tree))))
(if (eq? kids1 (cdr tree)) tree
(cons (car tree) ; node name
To test that the new depth-first indeed preserves sharing, we evaluate
(eq? tree1
(depth-first (lambda (node) (display node) (newline) #f) tree1))
which, after printing all nodes in depth-first order, gives the result #t. The tree returned by depth-first in this case is indeed the original tree as it is.
zipper 代码无需更改,按原样工作,具有相同的结果。 为了测试共享是否保留,我们首先通过替换
中的第 6 个节点(即 y
The zipper code needs no changes, and it works as it was, with the same results. To test the sharing preservation, we first produce a tree by replacing the 6th node (which is y) in tree2:
(define tree2*
(let ((desired-node (locate-nth-node 6 tree2)))
(display "Replacing the node: ")
(display (z-curr-node desired-node))
(zip-all-the-way-up ((z-k desired-node) 'newy))))
(z (u) (v (w 10 12)) newy)
here's the result: (z (u) (v (w 10 12)) newy)
Now, we write a function that takes two trees, traverses them in lockstep and prints out the nodes and if they are shared:
(define (tree-compare-sharing t1 t2)
(do ((cursor1 (zip-tree t1) ((z-k cursor1) #f))
(cursor2 (zip-tree t2) ((z-k cursor2) #f)))
((and (zipper? cursor1) (zipper? cursor2)) #f)
((zipper? cursor1) (display "t2 finished early") #t)
((zipper? cursor2) (display "t1 finished early") #t)
(else #t)))
(let ((n1 (z-curr-node cursor1)) (n2 (z-curr-node cursor2)))
((eq? n1 n2) (display "shared node: ") (display n1))
(else (display "t1 node: ") (display n1) (newline)
(display "t2 node: ") (display n2)))
(tree-compare-sharing tree2 tree2*)
t1 node: (z (u) (v (w 10 12)) y)
t2 node: (z (u) (v (w 10 12)) newy)
shared node: (u)
shared node: (v (w 10 12))
shared node: (w 10 12)
shared node: 10
shared node: 12
t1 node: y
t2 node: newy
Put a task list here.